WE BELIEVE WE ALL DESERVE BETTER VISION The ILP will provide a sustainable

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WE BELIEVE WE ALL DESERVE BETTER VISION The ILP will provide a sustainable environment for genuine citizen participation, where open, honest and accountable government protects the rights and freedoms of all citizens through quality representation, sound strategies for positive human capacity development, excellence in public service and the strong commitment to integrity in public affairs. MISSION The ILP proposes to create a society where cultural, social, religious and economic diversity is respected and celebrated, where minority groups have a majority voice, where citizens will be encouraged to pursue their dreams in an enabling environment that is sustainable, progressive, safe and secure. The ILP commits to providing fairness, honesty and peopleoriented need fulfillment, and to provide the opportunity for all citizens to reach their highest potential, to compete within the global village. The ILP will be defined by Integrity, and an adherence to social justice.

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